Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tomatoes and Cheese on Toast

5x7 oil on canvas

From a still life photo I took at my friend, Helga's home.


6x6 oil on canvas

From a photo I took at the Botanical Gardens here in Chicago.

Unfinished Flowers

6x6 oil on canvas

Even though I didn't "finish" this painting, I liked how it looked anyway.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pears in a Basket

5x7 oil on canvas

As a perfectionist, I was want to fuss over everything until it looks just right, but the book I am reading says not to fuss because it makes the colors look yucky--which I am finding to be true.  In an effort not to fuss, I decided that I am done with this one.  Maybe I will do it again rather than fuss till it's just right.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


6x6 oil on canvas

My sister has an alter ego--a character that she made up to entertain the family with her improvisational shows.  This is a common expression that "Petunia" makes and I thought it would be entertaining to do my first oil painting of this silly persona juxtaposing a fine art medium with something lighthearted.  This way, I wouldn't feel badly if it turned out to be terrible.  Thankfully, I like it!  My family had a fun auction through our Facebook group and my mom won it for $17.  Does that make me an official professional?